
All horses have 24/7 access to the 4 stall stable. Each stall is 12′ X 12.’ Stalls are mucked regularly and the floor is kept loose to encourage a clean, well-drained environment. Water and mineral/salt blocks are provided in the stalls and heated buckets are used in the winter. We also use a water trough outside the stable doors when the weather is warm.
The stable includes a tack/feed room for your use. There is plenty of cabinet, shelf and floor space for your medications, tack and gear. Bring a trash can to store your feed/grain. Electricity and water is available in the stable, however, there is not a specific wash stall or hot water.
In the winter we take care of reasonable blanketing needs at no extra cost. Basically, if I am blanketing my gelding, I can do your horse as well.
You can come and feed yourself on your own schedule, or we can feed for you in the morning and/or evening.

Other Facility Features
Fences are all treated pine board or Equiline nylon monofilament (no wire fencing). One strand of electric polywire is used to keep the horses off of the boundary fences.
I use polywire and tread-in posts to create paddocks for rotational grazing. Paddocks are rotated usually once a week and are sized so that they have plenty to eat during their time on the paddock. This keeps the forage quality high and extends the grazing season well into the winter months. There is approximately 6 acres of pasture. Pasture forages are predominantly fescue and clover with bluegrass, orchardgrass, and various broadleaf plants making up the mix.
An automatic, freeze-proof waterer is located in the pasture. This water source is available year-round and provides a means for the horses to get water without having to return to the stable. With a little training, your horse will learn to use it and will likely prefer it, because the water is consistently cool.
I use a hay hut to house the big round bales of hay I use in the winter. Hay is made available in early fall through spring, but the horse prefer fresh forage if they can get it. The hut keeps the hay from getting rained and snowed on and keeps it up all the ground so that the quality is maintained.